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Can I access my Projects on both my mobile device and web?
Why does my Project upload to social media sites at a lower quality?
I made a purchase for Premium on my mobile device. Can I also use Premium in the Web product?
Can other users who use my Filter see my personal photos?
Does the app have access to the images in my Photos app?
Why are certain features in Filtertune now being charged for?
How do I export my Project in 4k?
Can I add a voiceover to my Project?
Can I change the order of my video clips?
Manually place TapTaps in Beatleap
How do I delete my Project?
How do I give Artleap access to the Photos app on my iOS device?
How do I use the Heal tool?
Can I access and Projects on other devices and continue editing?
How do I save my projects in the free version of the app?
How do I animate my Project in Motionleap for Android?
How do I animate my Project in Motionleap iOS?
Can I add more Elements to my Project in Motionleap?
Why can't I add more Elements in Motionleap?